Yeah thats partially what I wear during RRSS day! I used that bulldoggy mask and chased Steven and Carlos around the school with food in my stomach. Was tiring and painful but fun. Honestly saying though, I miss the old RRSS day when we used to play with water everywhere!

Form 5C had a dance party. Very creative and ambitious hehe, too bad though when I was ready to go with my buddy and "Dog" around the party, it was OVER! Shyte man! Anyway, I went back late for that day and the stupid Golf competition is soon followed by the Futsal. Busy month. Next month, fuck up exams but after that, HOLIDAY!

I miss ya!

Its not anyone but its my blog. Nobody I know blogs often anymore. But that doesn't means I will stop because I can't abandon something part of me. Anyway, I was supposed to post a video of Hugh Gustar dancing but I deleted the video since I thought I had it in Facebook already. Ah well :P


Didn't think I'll abandon my blog over my facebook account. There's a few happening just yet, but there are quite painful, worrying and fun moments to come. Firstly, the painful part is that Hugh left school including his brother.

Story goes like this :-

I invited Hugh to play futsal with Steven and Me. While we were still playing Hugh had to go back though and when he arrived at the bus stop, someone tore all the loaned books he had and wrote a note,

"Get out of this school or else!"

So thats that and John got whipped by Dato Fong for some unknown reason. Seems a little abusive and prejudiced. Seriously I wonder who wrote that letter, it just burns my heart to see what happened and worst, Fong and whoever that person is got away easily for their shameless actions. You lost every respect I had for you.

Now the happy part!

Yeah! I finally got my hands on the MX518, my favorite mouse. Yeah I am dissing my Sidewinder already because somethings up with my motherboard, my mouse lags with it. So I'm giving this away to Daniel, who I know needs it. Karma! :D Honestly, the difference is all I expected. Smoother gliding and better accuracy.

Tomorrow I'm going to Shereena's BBQ yeeah!

He's alive!

I found this video a long time ago, I just remembered it and felt like sharing it to all of you. Don't worry though, its just fake. :P

Whats up with that?

Just a few things I wanna say. First off, Guijon eats like a stupid cannibal thats starved for weeks. Thats not the worst part though, its went all the food and his spit flies to your food. And not to insult but, why is the retarded women in who I call the Fruit-Stall (B) walking around taking the junk? She puts Radhi and my appetites off the food!

I was reading the blogs of some people who were present at the LSS Camp that was held in sumcherch at hucares. They were talking about pray harder? What the fuck do they mean by pray harder?

Best treadmill video!

Wait till the end of the video, this damn video is worth the watch!

Bot whores!

I went in my old email, and yeah I found something expected! I was actually trying to find my old friend. Anyway, I was damn bored so yeah,

Keddy says:
ElfriedaHasselkusduhop@hotmail.com says:
Keddy says:
ElfriedaHasselkusduhop@hotmail.com says:
*i'm 21/f your a male right?
Keddy says:
*yes but im 15
*T.T !!!
Keddy says:
*do you have a ***** that isnt metal and rusty?
ElfriedaHasselkusduhop@hotmail.com says:
*I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam? IT'S A NEW SITE THAT IM ON, ITS AWESOME!!!
Keddy says:
*I know your hiding something from me :P
*dont hide it

Just sooome fun. Wish it was a real person though, so I can make more fun out of him/her.


So we have Good Friday and some one more holiday on Monday which I don't know, I thought it sounded like Chinliftfoom day. So, 4 days off. And its almost the end of the first day. What have I been doing? Spending the whole time playing Sims 3 of course! :D

My poor Ginger man couldn't break the oak board. He was having his vacation in China!

My Sim going against some Chinese guy that was training too. Red belt against yellow. Heck, :P So yeah, my guy beat the guy by 2 - 1. The fight was long. Actually, my Sim works for the army and he was requested to learn Martial Arts for defence purpose. Enough of that I know you guys aren't really interested XD

Is this me?

I feel something in me is really missing badly thats causing me to feel lonely. Nowadays, I don't feel as much as I used to be. I feel like a loner. Its like, something deep inside which I don't know, is missing.

I feel that I lost faith in myself and friends.