Internet Middle Finger!

I have always wondered, why do people always use this,

"oOo" or even this "o0o" as the middle finger? Because it will actually look like this,

Now if you add some length to the middle part like this for example,

"_|_" or ",,|,," it will be something like this,

Buut, never mind me, its just blablabla ;D

Blind Cricket (Hilarious!)

Watch this video which I just received from my dad! Hilarious!

Online card trick!

This is Ron!

You are going to perform "Ron's" card trick by yourself, on yourself.

After you've thought about this for a while, pass it on to those poor unsuspecting friends you just love to pull something over on. Lastly, if you know how the trick goes, please keep it to yourself. (No point showin-off, nobody isn't gonna care about your ego)

Pick on of the following cards. Don't click on it, just keep it in your head.

Now think about your card for 10 seconds in front of Ron.

Ron will attempt to read your mind! After a few seconds, scroll down.

The great Ron has removed your card!

Amazing isn't it =D

Now scroll up and do it again!

Amazing eye-illusion!

When you look at this picture in a close look, you'll see only Albert Einstein.

But if you stand 5 meters distance, it will become Marilyn Monroe!

Annual Dementia Test (Try it!)

It's that time of year to take our annual senior citizen test. Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles. As we grow older, it's important to keep mentally alert. If you don't use it, you lose it!

Below is a very private way to gauge your loss or non-loss of intelligence. Take the test presented here to determine if you're losing it or not. The spaces below are so you don't see the answers until you've made your answer.

OK, relax, clear your mind and begin.

1. What do you put in a toaster?

Answer: 'bread.' If you said 'toast,' give up now and do something else. Try not to hurt yourself. If you said, bread, go to Question 2.

2. Say 'silk' five times. Now spell 'silk.' What do cows drink?

Answer: Cows drink water. If you said 'milk,' don't attempt the next question. Your brain is over-stressed and may even overheat. Content yourself with reading a more appropriate literature such as Auto World. However, if you said 'water', proceed to question 3..

3. If a red house is made from red bricks and a blue house is made from blue bricks and a pink house is made from pink bricks and a black house is made from black bricks, what is a green house made from?

Answer: Greenhouses are made from glass. If you said 'green bricks,' why are you still reading these???
If you said 'glass,' go on to Question 4.

4. It's twenty years ago, and a plane is flying at 20,000 feet over Germany
(If you will recall, Germany at the time was politically divided into West Germany and East Germany). Anyway, during the flight, two engines fail. The pilot, realizing that the last remaining engine is also failing, decides on a crash landing procedure. Unfortunately the engine fails before he can do so and the plane fatally crashes smack in the middle of 'no man's land' between East Germany and West Germany. Where would you bury the survivors? East Germany, West Germany, or 'no man's land'?

Answer: You don't bury survivors. If you said ANYTHING else, you're a dunce and you must stop. If you said, 'You don't bury survivors', proceed to the next question.

5. Without using a calculator.
You are driving a bus from London to Milford Haven in Wales .
In London, 17 people get on the bus.
In Reading, six people get off the bus and nine people get on.
In Swindon, two people get off and four get on.
In Cardiff, 11 people get off and 16 people get on.
In Swansea, three people get off and five people get on.
In Carmathen, six people get off and three get on. You then arrive at Milford Haven.
What was the name of the bus driver?

Answer: Oh, for crying out loud!
Don't you remember your own name? It was YOU!!

Now test this along to all your friends and pray they do better than you.

PS: 95% of people fail most of the questions!!!

They cheated, so what?

To all my friends, I'd just like to say to you's, they cheated, so what? For example in a test, someone cheated and aced it, they tell you like its a golden opportunity they just took and you feel despaired, like

"He aced, you fail, he gets joy, you get agony!"

Actually, when he tells you that, just keep quiet and tell yourself,

"Thats a horrible thing to say it wasn't even your effort! Go F* yourself loser, no point taking pride on that!"

If you cheat in something, your absolutely cheating on yourself. I have a story I would like to share to you guys to understand the concept. In this story I'd use Steven and Hugh as the characters.

Steven is an acclaimed F1 racer, state champion. Hugh has the F1 race exam he has to ace in order to proceed to the next level. Hugh paid or influenced Steven to race under his name and used a mask that looks exactly like Hugh, thus winning the race.

Now everyone got astonished and hurried Hugh on the track to race but he has no skills or any idea. And as soon as Hugh stepped on the gas,

"*Vroooooom~* "HAAARRRH!(Hugh shouts)" *BAAAM!*"

I know its something you should not take seriously, but you get the idea :D

My Sidewinder X8!

My mom and sister just came back from Singapore, they told me they loved the stay there. They bought loads of stuff, almost RM6,000 worth of clothes and a few miscellaneous. They called me yesterday to ask my dad how much is the budget for them to go shopping, my dad replied, a "limitless" budget. So alright they have the credit card, and girls, they go shopping like wild.

So I asked my sister to buy me a simple Razer mouse, maybe a Razer Salmosa or something. In the end, I guess she went to a lame china item selling shop like our Boulivard I.T Superstore (Maybe not), she bought me a Microsoft Sidewinder X8!

People reported that the size of the mouse is too big and so is the weight. Personally I have no problems with their doubts.

Side by side comparison between a oem Acer mouse and the Sidewinder X8. I'm a claw-grip user, and I can still use the claw-grip on this mouse. So to me, size is no problems if you have hands like mine.

Also most gamers are very skeptical on wireless mouse due to the latency and lag, but like most reviews and by personal experience, this is the first wireless gaming mouse without any latency at all meaning, no lag on a wireless mouse, extremely grateful for that!

On the other hand, having a battery recharger for any wireless peripheral is very essential. The Sidewinder X8 has a very unique dock where you can just round the wires around the dock, which you may see below,

To charge this mouse, all you have to do is hook up the cable on the bottom front side of the mouse.

I have to say this is very innovative for Microsoft to come up with a magnetic charge cable! Just put it in and its attracted to it, or in other words, sticked to it which allows you to play your games while charging, like this! How magnificent!

Microsoft has also come up with a new technology sensor called the "BlueTrack" sensor (See below)! This new technology holds up to 4000dpi (dots per inches also sensitivity) compared to other gaming mouses which goes around 1,800 and above, and also produces up to 13,000fps!

What I love about it is that well, its BLUE! I can look at it all day and it looks better than the ordinary red sensors! Next comes in the on-the-fly DPI buttons! As you can see above on the first picture, the 3 little square buttons on top of the mouse, going from top to bottom, I can change the DPI from 4,000 to 500 (Higher to lower sensitivity), depending on what I set it on the Control Panel. Now this allows me when I'm playing FPS games like Battlefield 2, I can switch to a low DPI when I'm sniping and a medium when on Rifle. I switch it to high whenever I'm flying a jet, helicopter or if I'm playing games like Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08!

The feel of this mouse is great! The only biggest downfall of this mouse is that its not very compatible with cloth mousepads (SERIOUSLY >_>) If I set the DPI or sensitivity to around 2,000, It will skip like 1 cm of the position I'm moving the mouse constantly. But don't worry I can play it on my desk as this mouse glides extremely smoothly.

Overall, I give this mouse a 9/10! Greatest wireless gaming mouse my sister bought for me! ;D

Peter Chao talks about Jacob from Twilight!

Watch this clip! Really made my day and even until now I just cant stop laughing!

Muslims always have problems dont they?

Click and read that article over there. 2012 is just a doomsday film you bastards! These rat tails got hurt just because the destruction of the Kaaba and Mosques were in the scenes? Despite the collapsing of Rio De Janeiro's monumental Christ the Redeemer statue and the Vatican! Can you fucking numbnuts get a load of yourselves? Is this something so huge for you to take in consideration to the point you stupid piece of shits condemn the film?

"For the common people, the portrayal of doomsday in this film could distort their faith -- that's what I'm worried about."

Thats what your worried about? More like thats what you think is going to happen you pety songcock. The potrayal of doomsday will not distort neither would it deteriorate their faith, it shows the consequences of not taking care of the planet!

"The controversial things about the film are, first, in Islam doomsday should not be visualised or predicted, it's the secret of God," council chairman Amidhan told AFP.

Nobody wants to listen to your shit. Islam Doomsday should not be visualised or predicted? If you faggots think, the havoc and destructions of doomsday including the disasters are part of the planets natural phenomena, not your piece of shit God casting a wand to the Earth!

Junior high school student Steven Benedictto, 14, said the film had a positive message. "I disagree with the MUI that people should not watch this movie. It has a beautiful message that we all should repent and industries should reduce their sinful activities, such as deforestation," he said.

He doesn't sound like a muslem at all :D 5 stars for the guy, at most he has some sense in his head unlike the pathetic jackshits that were talking about. I just hope he doesn't get tortured to death by this. Oh wait, thats the Malaysian way of dealing with these ..

SOO much faith on a imaginary fat fuck on the sky thats what you people are.

Whats wrong with Atheism?

Sometimes it gets in my nerves when I eat in a table filled with Christians. They always tell me "Pray before you eat!" and all I just did was sit stood there. One fag peeked and see that I wasn't praying. After the prayer, he questioned me why din't I pray. I told him I was an Atheist of course but that brings a thought to his empty head, what is an Atheist?

Atheist basically means the lack of any belief on a God. Now when those words went right into their minds, somehow it triggered some sort of alarm in their head. Holy hell they were convicting me. They said I'm a man of the devil because I don't believe in God? Come on seriously you nutshells, not believing in something majority of the people put their faiths doesn't make me the opposite.

Why are you an Atheist?

In my life, I believe that I can make a difference.
My prayers were never answered. Ask yourself that question.
Which will you do when the chips are down? Pray or take action?
When your in a hospital, will you put your faith in prayers rather than penicillin?

Do you think the Bible is fake?

(Removed because I get overwhelming questions.)

Do you believe in Jesus?

60% no, 40% yes. Why no? Egyptian God of the Sun, Horus. Borned 25th December out of a virgin mother, has around 12 I guess number of disciples, few of them betrayed him and thus crucified. Doesn't that sound familiar to you?

The Kabbar (Black box in Mekkah) is in the center of the Earth!

(Removed due to some flagrant MUSE.)

Do you believe in Ghosts?

NO. Ghosts are just tricks to fool the human mind. I've tried a few dares to call the ghosts, nothing happened. All the show in Discovery Channel is fake, use common sense. All the ghost stories you hear never are justified and it normally comes from "This girl, that place, this that, no specific settings." Lastly, putting dog tears in your eyes will just radiate it causing you to have a blurry vision, thus on weak minded bastards, they think its ghosts.

I finally turned 15!

(Really sorry if you cant understand what I said. I only had 2 hours of sleep today and I drank like 3 bottles of Kikapoo and big cups of Coke!)

Today I finally turned 15! It was really a day I will treasure in my heart. It was also exhilarating! At first it was dull and boring but as things went by, it turned out to be really fun! Christian and Hugh were the first to arrive at my house, they were both outside my gate and I was like O.o What!? XD

Anyway, we went to GK Supermarket bought chicken drumsticks and some marinade sauces, which Christian was really good at, and haha, funny to see Hugh pilling and chopping garlic. I started the fire at the BBQ, lighted some mosquito coils and turned on the radio which Traxx played really good artists! Thumbs up to them!

To my surprise, Dylan said he could come! Yay! Unfortunately we cant contact Steven, at that moment, I felt like the chances of him arriving was slim. Dylan then arrived and brought 2 tubs of ice-cream! Yay thanks bro really appreciate your generosity! Unfortunately though, Christian had to go back early because he had an appointment with someone over at Eastwood, yeah he is going to work there as a waiter alongside with Carlos.

We heard a horn, thought it was Christian's parents but I was thrilled to see Steven, so I was like waving from far away STEVEN STEVEN! Hahaha, I opened the gate and we talked outside.

Then after we were done, the party really started hehe, I turned up some real loud electro music, we were dancing like crazy! And Steven, our daredevil did something crazy hehe.

See that little fountain? I poured Coke in it hehe and we dared Steven to drink it!

Looks like his eyeballs are about to pop-out hehehe ~

Then we went on LAN partying, playing Crysis, L4D and especially Battlefield 2! Laughing around, screaming and everything, plus the music, was really great hehe. And again I really cannot stop laughing to see this,

Hugh using the laptop! Hahaha a dead man using a laptop! RORFLF! HAhaha sorry cant help it hehehe ~

So after gaming and stuff, we went over to Boat Club and thats where I took the picture above. We wanted to play some beach ball but the tide was really close and someone already took it. So we played around.

I got some awesome pictures of Steven hahaha!

Haha really funny guy! After some time havin fun, we played around on the beach hehe, getting wet and stuff. You know the drill hehehe. Then after we finished, we went in the bathroom to wash our trousers haha, I'm grateful I wore my short Hawaiian trousers hehe, Steven had to take a long time to get his pants dry. BTW, another picture of him here~

We ate some nice dinner hehe sadly for Dylan he ate some Kampung Fried Rice, so spicey ~


GUSTAR! We were teasing him haha, what food he wanted, we kept saying Brain, Zombie Juice and anything related to the dead hahaha!

Overall I really love today! I love you guys, seriously mean a lot to my life!

Seriously, what could get any better for today!

ATI has released new drivers, which is the CCC 9.11! Same goes to Sims 3 on the other hand, released a new patch which unfortunately glitched my neighbourhood but its alright. I guess I can take that as my birthday gifts too haha!

Creating each others!

Really sorry if you can't understand what I'm typing. Basically I had only 2 hours of sleep and drank a lot of Kikapoo today haha!

Well after we finished our outings and stuff, we decided to play Sims 3. I intended to make Hugh only but we slowly drift off to making a lot because we burst to laughter every time we make someone!

At first we tried making Hugh Gustar!

Its the closest we could get because seriously, Hugh wont sit still and smile for at least a minute haha and when the Sims started to look like him, we laughed, and he softly slapped my head haha, as usual, our Gustar!

Then we move on to create ARGEO! Haha! We actually randomized this Sim but then Dylan said it looked like Argeo, it probably does and we all burst to laughter! Laughing so hard non stop, my jaws are shivering and my stomach hurts hahaha!

Next, we created Brian Chong! Really, so much laughter was in the process!

Really such an exhilarating day today! Oh and lastly, Thank you Dad for the awesome shower gel and deodorant! Really great stuff. Also Thank you very much for the huge Chocolate bar you bought me! I appreciate everything!

My Q9400 screams!

Alright guys, I totally underestimated this chip! Knowing that it only has 6MB of cache, I obliged with others that this chip wont perform adequately to my expectations! But I'm actually astounded and seriously, I know my eyes did not deceived me!

My Sims 3 gameplay performance had increased drastically, its finally silky smooth now but still a little bit of stuttering is noticable. Nevertheless, it definitely made the gameplay admirable!

Now for the biggest surprise. You'll never believe me. I just benched Crysis Demo and try to differentiate the difference. Just a little more you should take in consideration is that I run it under a HD 4770 (860,860) and 4GB 800Mhz (Allowing a 1:1 ratio in the FSB)

Thats right. A 11fps increase over the previous dual core overclocked @ 3.8Ghz! Proof?

I'm seriously blown away! I reckoned other peoples opinions on the 2 fast cores rather then 4 slow cores theory but this had already gave me a doubt on that. Plus, this is just the Demo, I heard that on the updated retail version it utilizes Quads even more so I'm expecting to see better performance.

Lastly, I did a test on DX10 and 64Bit, 1FPS loss only.

Videos of my day!

Another one that made my day! Hahaha

Speaking of bikes, same goes to this one!

I'm not Indian!

Alex De "Virgin" I'm not Indian! ;D

You see that red dot? No it isn't a pimple nor a zit. Its a little wound? I don't know the right word for it but you see me have that little thing ever few months. Well I get this not because I'm Indian its because of constant rubbing on my forehead. Yeh, I have a bad habit which is bumping and rubbing my forehead on the pillow. So you get the idea.

Education nowadays?

I see there is something wrong with the education in some schools. This little homework here seems to deteriorate the quality of some students. How? Let me show you.

Originally this is what it looks like.

I have to say, this is a big mistake. It should be like this!

Yes! He is happy because he has a lot of money! (Hehehe) Now kids, you see, having a lot of fish just makes you a smelly cheap fishermen thats happy to live under a mud hut near the beach with a family that eats just rice and a stupid little kid that climbs coconut tree's AKA the slum village life. Your kids go to school with 20Cents. How you feel if you could only bring 20 cents to school? You drive a motorbike and the worst thing is that if you bring your whole family and your bike tripped on a rock, boom, your family is DEAD.

If you have a lot of money, think about it. You can live the dream, possess anything by your desires, live clean and healthy, get good strip.. I mean slippers compared to fisherman who uses.. Forget it I don't want to hurt the fishermen's but you get the idea!

Cadbury Chocolate!

Hello guys! I just have to say something before I die! I LOVE CHOCOLATE!

So in the past few days including today I've eaten two of my most favorite chocolate from Cadbury which means I am going to talk about them! I have a passion for chocolates because basically I love them so much and my idol when I was a little boy was Choki!

Okey seriously, lets get on with it. First up I'd like to talk about,

Cadbury Black Forest chocolate! I know some pathetic kiddies would say,
"OOH Black Forest = Choi Mao har har har har"

Well I can only say 3 words to you : Weh FACK YOU!

I love the Black Forest mainly because it has some sort of black stuff in it thats really crunchy and delicious. In addition I can get some chewy red fruit in it which is like eating white rabbit candy! Normally I'd run to my nearby Supermarket and grab a bar, put it in a freezer and eat it if I'm watching or doing anything that I'm just sitting still. Secondly too is that this particular chocolate doesn't hurt my teeth at all, I don't know maybe its just so magical!

Alright now onto my second!

Old Jamaican Dark Chocolate! I love the bitter taste of Dark Chocolate! This one taste much better than the Black Forest though but it all depends on personal opinions. I like the raisins in the chocolate as well as the taste of rum in it. Whenever I take a bite, its like taking a step to paradise!

Thats all I gotta say and I'm sorry if my reviews are inconsistent or just isn't informative but trust me, you gotta take a bite and taste it because actions speak louder than words! Bye!

For that boy band lovin girls out there!

Haha I found this on one of my favorite music YouTube channel! Cracked me up haha it made my day! (Please take note I don't hate them I just find this hilarious!)

|------/|\-Nick Jonas

|------/|\-Joe Jonas

|-----/|\-Kevin Jonas

Put these on your page if you hate the Jonas Brothers (Created by Falloutboygirl9).

Things are getting better.

So after the tragedy from yesterday, my family is gradually getting better. Things are a little bit better. I've learned quite a lot of things from my parents especially my mom, childish women I really have to say.

Seriously think twice before doing anything, you don't want to end up regretting. Also try to understand the situation of other peoples instead of just budging in and act like your in control, some kind of problem solver.

And lastly, the reason of being scared doesn't show that your a coward. It shows that you take precautions. It is also for safety and survival reasons. To whoever calls you a coward, they are just a juvenile stupid piece of trash that you should not even bother giving a fuck to.


(Wonder why am I sleeping like that?)

Chung Yun slept over my house and were like LAN partying all night! We played Battlefield 2, a huge match with lots of other enemies, loads of fun and also played Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 where I love to tease Chung Yun in Man UTD! Hehehe

So we played until 4AM in the morning and we seriously had to get some sleep although I'm still active because I'm the night owl! Hoot hoot! (ROFL) By the time we all went to bed and was ready to sleep, we were talking to each other, you know the usual stuff we do. Then as time went by, I felt like I was talking to myself, finding out that Chung Yun is already asleep!

But that really made me giggle all night which is why I wasn't able to sleep properly. Here is why ~

Haha damn hilarious ~

New Worlds Tallest Man!

There is a new worlds tallest man, he's also in the Guinness World Records being the tallest man. Hehe its not that old Bao Xishun guy anymore, we finally have a decent and young Turkish man, not to mention better looking hehe. (Xishun looks like our school athlete coach. No offence XD)

BTW, anything in particular?

T.C.Y plays for Man UTD!

Yeh he does! But in for PES 2010 only! Hahaha!

There is a little purple gamma on the left side of his face, thats because the picture is taken by my shitty K810i! Next time I'm going to use a DSLR! (If I'm rich enough!)

Take a look at him overall! Hahaha!

I also made a little MV for him Rofl, check him out playing for Man UTD as a winger!

(Yeh the left side of his face looks like plastic, he's quality which is! *Turns and look behind at Chung Yun*)
Haha watch Rooney at the video he looks like he wants to punch Chung Yun's face and touched Carrick's ass!

*BTW, bloody hell Chung Yun just farted it smells like 10K years old cheese!*

Night Owl!

Its 2:28 AM and I feel young! Haha that means I feel really strong and active. My body is already stuck in reverse. I sleep the whole day off and I stay awake the night. Like a night owl perhaps.

(Grr ~)

Well my old time buddy Chung Yun is coming over to my house, then we sleep over! Because on Friday we are going to Dewan Suarah to watch little rich minions perform on stage!

I'm pretty sure Failblog is very common to you guys ;D This is my personal favorite video from them.

Lastly, I'm downloading Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2010!

I really love PES games and have been playing them since 07 series. Every year it just gets better unlike Fifa for the PC which they just simply port the PS2 version to PC. Booo we want next-gen lazy arses!

Alright thats all for the time being! Bye!


Hey guys, I've not been doing much lately, spent the last 2 days in bed because I felt ill. The symptoms are back neck ache, extremely weak body (Feels like Maxson), whole body temperature rised and the common flu. Anyway I'm not really 100% yet but I'm almost back to normal.

The line of our connection BTW is quite unstable. Not sure some of you guys said you experience disconnections and stuff. Well mine loads my favourite WWE channels so damn slow. :( Grrr ~ XD

Oh lastly, check this video out haha its so damn hilarious!

Japanese Sea Monster!

Guys, this is so damn interesting and shocking too!

My beloved DIED!

My Razer Moray earphones just died a few minutes ago. Arrrgh !?!? How am I going to sleep now! I have like insomnia and its really shitty to lie down in bed, in silence, no partner on bed ... Seriously =.=

There goes my beloved earphones. At first I was overjoyed at the quality compared to all my sister's cheapy they bought in the night market. But NOW!? The cheapy's last longer than my Razer Moray's! Nooo! Damn I'm so gentle to my earphones I dont flank it off my ear like my sister does (I borrowed her my earphones on her sports MAYBE ITS HEEER!)

I cant RMA (Return merchandise authorization) because I lost the recipt to the retailers, house was under renovation and I just dumped every of my belongings to a box and I bet the recipt is in the dumpster long time ago!

I contacted Razer to request an RMA but! I'm in Malaysia! DAMN! Can't ship it there even if I can I get so little support and its so damn costly, take me long time and by the time I recieve my earphones ITS ALREADY SCHOOL, DIE AND NOOOOOO

My aunt's old desktop! :D

I was supposed to go back on Saturday from Brunei where my aunt's house is buut, my dad had the day off so that means I'm stuck for a few days here. Luckily I had my older sister there otherwise I'll be SO bored. Anyways I went in on one of the rooms and saw there was a old generic desktop. I checked the specs out, pretty funny to see.

Yeh, the capacity is only 9.5Gb (LMAO) its even smaller than my dad's iPhone luul.

The CPU is an "AUTHENTIC!!" AMD Duron (Again ROFL!) Also the GPU is a Nvidia old TNT (Kaboom). Lastly, lets see how this Authentic!! desktop plays Spider Solitare!