
Alright !?!
I losen up already and READY! to blog again.

I thought it was going to be a happy day, buuut.

So that means an hour of sleep. Grrr

Anyway so on the way I found a picture.

Tehehe luul.

After a long drive, and some chocolate eating on the way too, I arrived in my cousin's house. Cute cats there.

The cat's cute right? But the place looks like the people smells like shit. It isn't bad though XD.

After sleeping for only like 3 hours there (Its hard for me to sleep, mosquito bzzt bzzt bite me like hell, fucking pest!) its time for us to go around the town and they want to show me some good stuff the village can offer. Weee

When we arrive its pretty nice.

Rumah air around the place. I can hear people playing some music too. Looks very calming too. We used a boat to get to the other side. (Cheap one but fun)

(Vrooom, vibrating and bumpy. Fuuuun ;D)

Then, I get to see what the people are selling and making!

They make pronz!



They make me eat it. Its nice I have to break the head first and chew it. Taste good but gave me stomach ache later. Aaargh.

Oh yeah its people like him!

That made the day fun and love to eat the pronz.

Thats all for today I'm pretty tired. Bye!
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