The real posts?

Its been quite a while since I've really posted anything on my blog due to the limited time from school. I'm currently using the shitty "Nike Bus" which only my friends know what it is. Feels like the bus is going to fall in days haha! It feels as if the driver only uses gear 2 and drive at a constant speed which is the highest in gear 2.

If I ask myself, does the bus use safety belts or ropes? It actually uses neither.

Today in the bus on the way home, Jasmine got pissed off by some anyone little brats screaming around the bus. Funny thing was, when the bus dropped the girl off in front of her house, nobody was opening the gate.

Jasmine screamed out loud,

"Nobody loves you! They wont open the gate! Face the consequences bitch!"

My sister and I laughed our ass off hahaha
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