
Guys I'm working on it. Please though its been really a long time so it might be rubbish but I will try my best to make the server I used to in the past.

Oh and here is a glimpse of how the Admin (Me) works with his future GM's.

You better Nick!

Just doing all these seriously bring back the memories. Good sweet memories of the past on how things were always great, every single day is a new day, new people and its always "Us", the small but really happy team working out on the server to the peoples desire.

If anyone still remember the private server days, the real reason behind the closing of my previous server was because of non-stop hardcore bullshittery from kids. Secondly is that my desktop was 24/7, I got no support, I cant play games :[ and my hardwares were about to die.

Funny though kids requested their refunds and got the Jesus middle finger on their face for skipping and not obliging on the Terms of Services hahaha!
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